The Cathedral Notre -Dame...Gothic and flamboyant at the same time.
During your vacations, it seems to me inevitable to not stop by Rodez, capital of Culture, which will surprise you in many ways...
Today, we are going to keep going with our little challenge by visiting one of the most beautiful site of the city which cannot be overlooked : The Cathedral Notre-Dame of Rodez.
I'm inviting you at a real journey through the time and space...
From far, we can make out this enormous edifice in the distance.
With its 87 meters high the cathedral is imposing.
Much closer you'll be impressed by the meticulous working stone looking which looks like lace.
A little bit of History...
In 1277, the construction of the Cathedral starts and will end during the 16th century. Three centuries of building work gave birth to one of the most imposing Gothic's cathedral from the South of France.

Source : CPA - Cartes Postales Anciennes - n°5010052

Unfortunately, the Hundred's Years War, epidemias and moreover the Black Death of 1348 and some quarrels among the diocese caused long and continual interruptions of the monumental building site.
The Cathedral from yesterday...

Source : CPA - Cartes Postales Anciennes - n°5010052

Source : CPA - Cartes Postales Anciennes - n°5010045

Source : CPA - Cartes Postales Anciennes - n°6157915 nowadays...

Source :
Source : Pinterest
Unfortunately, I can't reveal to you all of its history, otherwise, you'll now pretty much of all the steps (utterly incredible !) of its construction ; so now it's your your eyes !
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